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March 3rd, 2011

Photographer Julien Lanoo has sent us his images of the recently completed Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom hotel by French architect Jean Nouvel

A five-storey volume with sloping roof stands in front of the facade, housing the lobby and entrance.

The top floor of the building houses the restaurant, comprising glazed walls on all sides and a brightly patterned ceiling that can be clearly seen from the street outside.

Elsewhere in the building patterned video panels in ceilings feature work by Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist.

French landscape architect Patrick Blanc created a vertical garden for the project, including 20,000 species of plants.

More about Jean Nouvel on Dezeen »

More about Julien Lanoo on Dezeen »

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Here’s some more information from the hotelier:

The building offers a festival of light and reflections creating continuity between the interior and the exterior.

For the finishing touches of this purist aesthetic, the Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist has created glossy and multicoloured video ceilings, and the French architect-landscaper Patrick Blanc has planted a magnificent vertical garden, a ‘living’ wall covered with 20,000 species of plants.

Jean Nouvel is an internationally renowned architect who has masterfully integrated his contemporary vision into the traditional Viennese architecture.

The slanting, floating roof seems to merge into a glass façade allowing light to stream into the spacious lobby and illuminating the 5 upper levels. The elegant white, black and grey facades give a taste of the monochrome décor of the rooms.

For your meetings
The mezzanine of the Hotel Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom proposes a business lounge as well as a comfortable library and reading area.

For business events or special celebrations, choose from one of our 9 adjustable meeting and reception rooms, with natural lighting, equipped with cutting edge audio and video systems, and capable of hosting up to 130 people.

There is no doubt that these remarkable facilities will cause a sensation.


From its vantage point on the 18th floor, the latest creation of the Hotel Sofitel Vienna Stephansdom is its entirely glass-walled restaurant, which is constantly exposed to the reflections of the changing light.

Its airy ambience overlooking the city and its shimmering painted ceiling makes it an ideal place for an unforgettable meal.

The best of French and Austrian cuisine rub shoulders in this establishment directed by the French three starred chef Antoine Westermann, who is determined to make it the latest ‘place to be’.

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Source from 低碳生活部落格.中時聯播網







建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad 也該會起雞皮疙瘩

  郭英釗說,花博這三個館位處新生公園偏遠的角落,一方面有航道的壓迫,卻又同時擁有很多很棒的樹。「其實三館從空中看,像兩個生物體,在一個很艱苦的環境 求生存的樣子。」他指出,三館設計http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad時是希望像人一樣,熱了會脫衣服,冷了會起雞皮疙瘩,當外界條件改變時,建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad也必須作出對應,所以會有水簾、地道風等設 計。「一般的建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad物,可能外面的氣候其實很合適,可是建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad物卻不知道。」郭英釗認為,建物智能化的過程,的確可以達成節能的目的。


木造建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad 兼可顧碳

 而從北投圖書館或是新生三館,都可以發現郭英釗利用了大量的木頭,這中間是否帶有一些隱喻? 「其實一開始是被業主逼的,」郭英釗坦承,是因為業主要求,所以才會在蓋北投圖書館會,用了大量的木頭,但後來發現光是展現木頭的力量,「建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad師不用再作什麼設計http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad。」

  他也認為,樹木是可以不斷生長,生生不息,不像是鐵或是鋼,蘊藏量用完了就沒有了,當然用木頭的先決條件,是林木必須要從管理良好的林場來。他說,新生三 館的木頭主要來自於美加地區經永續林木認證(FSC)的木頭,部份則來自台灣竹東地區造林疏伐的木頭,這些木造建材也都固下了不少的碳。

春節 多看書 多看樹
  但民眾而言,綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad多半也是旅遊景點,我就聽過不少人一進北投圖書館,就先問咖啡廳在哪邊。所以過年假期,郭建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad師是不是能推薦幾個綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad讓民眾去參觀? 郭英釗想了一想,先應景地說了基金會所捐建給成大的「孫運璿綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad研究大樓」,也就是俗稱的「綠色魔法學校」,但接下來則說,「我其實過年期間都是在看 書,也鼓勵大家看書。」

 或許拗不過我一再希望他提出春節旅遊景點,最後他說個人最推薦大家去看台南的老樹,包括像中山公園、成大校園以 及台南一中的大樹,「這些大樹真的很了不起。」另外的看樹地點,他則建議是阿里山的神木群,不過他也知道過年期間可能是進不了阿里山,但建議大家有時間去 看就是了。

 曾有學生問郭英釗,除了會蓋綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad,還會蓋什麼? 但綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad對郭英釗而言,一直都不是個議題。「我們一直是這個樣子的,只是社會的顏色變了,背景顏色一變,我們突然就跳出來了。」他說,事務所一直追求的是 設計http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad出高效率的建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad,一個不斷進化且能減少使用地球資源的建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad,今天你稱它是「綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad」,他就是「綠建築http://www.taiwanarch.com/autocad」,而當明天有了另一個新的名詞,但郭英釗所追求 的信念,卻不會跟著改變。


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